My family

My family

Monday 22 August 2011

shouting at the radio today listening to the Jeremy Vine Show

As the title says.... I couldn't believe what I was hearing! facing your baby outwards in a pram or sling is child cruelty? Has the world gone absolutely mad? I cant quite believe how this fits in to the neglect/physical or mental abuse category? I mean, call me stupid and if I have missed something, I apologize!

As if we as parents haven't got enough to feel guilty about, they are now taking it to an all time low by claiming that development in certain aspects are affected and that because "STUDIES" show this that and the next thing , it must be true! I mean, imagine just for a split second, that children actually develop in different ways and that they don't always tick the same boxes at the same time! Wow ,imagine indeed!!!

I thought all was lost until one of the guest speakers stood up on behalf of the "normal" people out there, who realize that neither way is right or wrong and that love is what we need to give our children and that we don't need yet another study/article to make us feel that how we are parenting is wrong.  I think my blood was boiling and as I was driving down the M8 , making rude gestures, laughing at the absurdity and completely unjustified "opinions" that were flying around! I feel sorry for the cars who were passing me or in front as they either thought that I was having an "episode" or suffering from road rage... oh the confusion for those drivers!

I invite you to catch this on BBC I player if you haven't listened to it already but be warned... risk of high blood pressure awaits you!

1 comment:

  1. Surely having the kid facing out into the world in their buggy is a bit more stimulating for them than staring up at the same face day in - day out?! Imagine what they'll be seeing and taking in!
