My family

My family

Saturday 10 September 2011

Wise Words

A very wise woman said to me this week that " a woman has to deal with many different issues in life, when a woman is having her period, she is going through PMS, and is nuts, when having a baby we have a hormonal imbalance, when going through the menopause she is crazy" Why cant we just be women ? Why do we have to have an explanation for how we feel?

She really made me think about how women are viewed in society and how this also contributes towards the stigma of PND and how its another thing that we have to explain in life. Another expectation...Another thing to feel guilty for, I suppose.

I have a lot of very strong women around me who inspire me . They make me think and make me question what we as women have to face on a a daily basis and also make me proud to be a woman. Its more than friendships , but a "sisterhood" which can be relied upon and I appreciate this. I am constantly reminded about the sheer determination that women have and the things that we overcome on a daily basis. We are wonderful and should celebrate this more often!

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